January 3

My, how time flies!  Here it is the third of the month already; actually the third day of the year!  Did not make any resolutions this year.  At my age I think I’ve learned that resolutions are a waste of time and just lead to guilt and bad feelings.  Of course, I need to lose weight and keep a cleaner house, etc., etc.  Maybe I will, maybe not.  It really doesn’t matter.

One of the interesting discussions of the day was the difference between a “castle” and a “palace”.  Never thought about it.  Of course my better half immediately had an explanation.

Castles are built with the primary motive of protection. Safety is the purpose for which a castle is generally built. Decoration is secondary when it comes to building a castle. Hence a castle is primarily a fortification.  Windsor is a castle.

A palace is built with an intention of constructing spacious halls and rooms primarily meant for comfort. Decoration is the primary intent when it comes to building a palace.  Buckingham is a palace.

So, when the prince in shining armor comes to take you away to live happily ever after, where do you go?  To a safe castle or a luxurious palace?  Or an adobe hut in Arizona?

December 30, 2013

Took a mini-vacation to Las Vegas.  Stayed at the Orleans.  Had a really good time.  It’s good to get away for a few days now and again.  Makes coming home so sweet!

Must be nice to have a housekeeping department and a maintenance department.  Someone to dust and vacuum and make the beds every day and someone to call whenever you want a light bulb changed or whenever something needs to be fixed.  Oh, wait.  The former is me and the latter is hubby!  The pay isn’t much, but we make our own hours, work when we want, how we want, and if we want.

Home Sweet Home!  It’s not much but it’s ours and it’s paid for!


Boxing Day

I wonder if everybody else has the same problem I have…when there’s a holiday in the middle of the week, I expect the day following the holiday to be a Sunday or a Monday. It throws me off for the entire week. Maybe that’s part of getting older or maybe it’s being retired. It really doesn’t matter if today is Monday or Thursday. (except when it’s time to take the garbage out!)

Of course, most of our holidays are now scheduled for Mondays so folks get long weekends. When I lived in Canada it was really strange to have Thanksgiving on a Monday!

Canadians also celebrated today as “Boxing Day”.  Observed in most Commonwealth countries. One tradition is that it is the day when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts from their bosses. Another is that it’s the day when you pack up the old (having received new on Christmas) into boxes and give them to the poor.

Just a few more days until New Year’s. Here’s something interesting about a custom in Scotland called First Foot Day:

The superstition goes back to the era of the Viking raiders when a fair-haired Norseman at a Scotsman’s door meant trouble.

If the first person to set foot in your house on the morning of January 1 is a dark-haired male, you will have good luck for the entire year. Ideally a first footer should bring gifts, such as:

  • a lump of coal to symbolize warmth all year
  • a silver coin for wealth and prosperity
  • some bread so you’ll never be hungry

After greeting everyone in the house, the first footer must exit through a different door from the one he had entered. Nobody should leave the house before the first footer shows up because the first traffic across the threshold should be coming in, not going out.

Blonde and red-haired male first footers bring BAD LUCK.
A female first footer spells DISASTER on the entire household.

I guess some dark-haired males have to stay out all night long so they can enter houses and bring good luck. Doesn’t say that the dark-haired male can’t enter any number of houses. Wonder if the luck gets weaker in the second house than in the first?
Who said superstitions had to make sense?

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas

Holly Jolly Music
Have a Holly Jolly Christmas
It’s the best time of the year
I don’t know if there’ll be snow
but have a cup of cheer.
Dancing_santa Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas;
And when you walk down the street,
Say “Hello!” to friends you know
And everyone you meet.

Oh, ho, the mistletoe
Hung where you can see;
Somebody waits for you;
Kiss her once for me.
Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas,
And in case you didn’t hear
Oh, by golly, have a holly
Jolly Christmas this year.



For more music, click here.


This is my very own personal website!  What eventually appears here is totally up to me and that’s scary!  I’m faced with a blank canvas, an empty page, just waiting for me to add to it and make it valuable or beautiful or distinct or at least interesting.  Let’s get started.

Today is December 23, 2013.  We are skipping Xmas this year.  I’ve always loved the holidays – especially the lights, the tree, the music, the favorite old movies.  But, as we get older we find that the work of putting up the lights and the tree is getting more difficult.  We had a cold snap right after Thanksgiving this year so we put off decorating.  By the time it was warm enough to work outside, it was only a couple of weeks before Christmas and it hardly seemed worth the work for just a few weeks.  Hopefully we’ll make up for it next year.  I’ve seen some of the old movies on TV and I’ve listened to a lot of Christmas music so I have the spirit of Christmas in my heart.

We have lost a nephew this year; my good friend lost her son; my sister-in-law lost her brother.  These deaths have served as a good reminder that every day of the year, Christmas or not, someone is mourning, someone is grieving.

BUT, we also welcomed baby Lillie, our great-grand-niece.  The circle of life continues.  And life is good.