
This is my very own personal website!  What eventually appears here is totally up to me and that’s scary!  I’m faced with a blank canvas, an empty page, just waiting for me to add to it and make it valuable or beautiful or distinct or at least interesting.  Let’s get started.

Today is December 23, 2013.  We are skipping Xmas this year.  I’ve always loved the holidays – especially the lights, the tree, the music, the favorite old movies.  But, as we get older we find that the work of putting up the lights and the tree is getting more difficult.  We had a cold snap right after Thanksgiving this year so we put off decorating.  By the time it was warm enough to work outside, it was only a couple of weeks before Christmas and it hardly seemed worth the work for just a few weeks.  Hopefully we’ll make up for it next year.  I’ve seen some of the old movies on TV and I’ve listened to a lot of Christmas music so I have the spirit of Christmas in my heart.

We have lost a nephew this year; my good friend lost her son; my sister-in-law lost her brother.  These deaths have served as a good reminder that every day of the year, Christmas or not, someone is mourning, someone is grieving.

BUT, we also welcomed baby Lillie, our great-grand-niece.  The circle of life continues.  And life is good.



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