Welcome to my WordPress web site. My name is Linda. I’ve had a variety of middle and last names in my life so just call me Linda.
I’m not 100% sure what I’m going to put on this website. One of the projects I have in mind (which I will enjoy working on) has a working title of “my favorite things”. I’ve already done a lot of HTML work on some of the music I like, including patriotic songs, Christmas music, and Rogers and Hammerstein music, so that will find its way here.
In the past I was a maternity nurse, so I have an interest in moms and babies. I also enjoy reading and writing and playing games on Facebook and I have a love/hate relationship with poker. I most especially enjoy spending time with my hubby!
I’ve had an interesting life and I’d like to share a few stories with you. But I don’t intend this to be autobiographical. I think when one really enjoys something in life, be it nature or crafts or books or history, one should share that love and hopefully open other eyes to the enjoyment of learning. So, welcome!
Voice from the past. I believe we were in nursing school together.
Just saying hello and letting you know our friend Gerry passed away in 2023. Tried to find you earlier with no success. All the best
If this is the Sue that visited me in Texas, I’ve tried to find you several times. So sorry to hear about Gerry. Will contact you at your gmail address.